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Programs that are a

perfect fit, tailored

to your specific needs.

At LeaderVitae, we offer several courses that are ready to roll out when you are.  These courses can be delivered as-is, offering a variety of leadership and growth styles and situations or tailored to fit your company culture and values. 

Many of our courses utilize roleplay and case study activities along with experiential learning exercises to connect learned concepts to adult learning methodologies. Our executive coaching options offer on-going reinforcement and continued growth. 

We are proud to present our diverse portfolio of existing programs in collaboration with our clients.

Leading in Turbulent Times

Today’s leaders need to be ready for a myriad of unexpected crises.

Manager Skills

Learn management and interpersonal skills to step up your relationship with your employees and your manager. 

Emotional Intelligence

Understand the importance of using EQ along with IQ and how necessary this skill is to your success and the success of your company.

Leadership Skills for Women

This course is customized to your specific needs along with our experience delivering women-focused development programs.

Your Leadership Journey

Leadership is a lifelong journey of discovery, experience and growth.  We help move forward in your personal leadership journey.

Leading a Multi-

Generational Workforce

We help you navigate the multiple generations in today’s workforce – both the differences and similarities.

Agile Workshop

Participants will learn why, when and how to use agile

in their daily work and understand agile theory and implementation. 

12998 Accredited-DARK BLUE-HIGH RES SQR.



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